April 27 Day 118 words of wisdom; sometimes scared is a good thing
April 26 Day 117 words of wisdom; even in the rough times, show the image of God in yourself
April 25 Day 116 words of wisdom; balance your priorities, focus on what is most important first, the rest will all fall into place
April 24 Day 115 words of wisdom; everyday is a new chance at doing good
April 23 Day 114 words of wisdom; you can save a life by one click, by one smile, by one prayer. Think of other ways and don't miss out
April 22 Day 113 words of wisdom; don't let the little things get to you
April 21 Day 112 words of wisdom; something is better than nothing
April 20 Day 111 words of wisdom; know and practice the difference between helping others and judging others
April 19 Day 110 words of wisdom; when in a bad mood, just smile it away
April 18 Day 109 words of wisdom; don't give up, instead look for another chance
April 17 Day 108 words of wisdom; at every spare moment you have, look up to the sky and say "thank you"
April 16 Day 107 words of wisdom; don't wait too long to try something new, you might lose the chance
April 15 Day 106 words of wisdom; smiling is contagious
April 14 Day 105 words of wisdom; think twice before stressing out, there might be an easier way if you relax first.
April 13 Day 104 words of wisdom; find your happy place
April 12 Day 103 words of wisdom; it's never to late to be a new you
April 11 was skipped
April 10 Day 101 words of wisdom; always be better than who you used to be #inspired #quoted
April 9 Day 100 words of wisdom; relax, let yourself smile.
April 8 Day 99 words of wisdom; everyday a brand new chance to say, "Jesus you are the only way"
April 7 Day 98 words of wisdom; cherish your family, God put you with them for a reason.
April 6 Day 97 words of wisdom; let your imagination run.
April 5 Day 96 words of wisdom; always keep learning.
April 4 Day 95 words of wisdom; PUSH: pray until something happens
April 3 Day 94 words of wisdom; set goals, not responsibilities.
April 2 Day 93 words of wisdom; if you have to think about it, keep quiet
April 1 Day 92 words of wisdom; watch out with your lies...some people are really good and figuring them out.
March 31 Day 91 words of wisdom; appreciate every day
March 30 Day 90 words of wisdom; SMILE <3
March 29 Day 89 words of wisdom; don't stop. Keep moving foward..
March 28 Day 88 words of wisdom;
March 27 Day 87 words of wisdom; There is a difference between a best friend and a perfect friend. There is no such thing as a perfect friend.
March 26 Day 86 words of wisdom; don't stop growing up because of the people you hang around with. Be your own person.
March 25 Day 85 words of wisdom; music can alter the way you think
March 24 Day 84 words of wisdom; be a leader
March 23 Day 83 words of wisdom; love your days.
March 22 Day 82 words of wisdom; remember small details. Sometimes the smallest information will help you out in the end.
March 21 Day 81 words of wisdom; never be afraid to be yourself
March 20 Day 80 words of wisdom; what others think of you does not matter as much as what you make yourself.
March 19 Day 79 words of wisdom: whatever was, was. Whatever is, is. Whatever isn't, isn't. And whatever will be, will be. Let God do His job
March 18 Day 78 words if wisdom; repeatedly breaking someone down does not help them, it just makes them grow farther from you
March 17 Day 77 words of wisdom; make the best of the time you have
March 16 Day 76 words of wisdom; wake up with thanks, stay awake with a smile
March 15 Day 75 words of wisdom; be happy with those who are smiling. Cry with those who are hurting. Romans 12:15
March 14 Day 74 words of wisdom; practice patience
March 13 Day 73 words of wisdom; keep your eyes open, you never know who God is trying to talk to you through.
March 12 Day 72 words of wisdom; some things you just have to live and let be
March 11 Day 71 words of wisdom; and if I let myself go, I'm the only one to blame #inspired #pink
March 10 Day 70 words of wisdom; try your hardest not to give in to other's problems. Help them while keeping your own beat.
March 9 Day 69 words of wisdom; remember those who were at your side throughout your hard times. Do not hold a grudge, but allow them to repent.
March 8 Day 68 words of wisdom; the most beautiful things happen step by step
March 7 Day 67 words of wisdom; show off your talents, don't hide what you were blessed with
March 6 Day 66 words of wisdom; you can make a million mistakes, all that matters is that you have the courage to turn around
March 5 Day 65 words of wisdom; think before you say, but say what you feel before you regret it all.
March 4 Day 64 words of wisdom; peace through the heartbreak, laugh at the pain, smile through the suffer.
March 3 Day 63 words of wisdom; "look on the bright side of life" #inspiration #Rebelution #quoted
March 2 Day 62 words of wisdom; every new day is a second chance
March 1 Day 61 words of wisdom; cherish each little moment you get with your loved ones
February 29 Day 60 words of wisdom; it is never too late to find your smile
February 28 Day 59 words of wisdom; always remember that EVERYTHING is worth a try
February 27 Day 58 words of wisdom; "life ain't always beautiful, but we'll be fine" #inspired #GaryAllan #quoted
February 26 Day 57 words of wisdom; think twice before walking away from what makes you happy
February 25 Day 56 words of wisdom: we don't know who we are until we find that person we're most happy being
February 24 Day 55 words of wisdom; He knows when you have suffered enough. Those who pass from your life are asking for you to keep smiling
February 23 Day 54 words of wisdom; everyday one learns and grows. There is no such thing as a wasted day
February 22 Day 53 words of wisdom; share your knowledge. You never know how much of an influence you can be
February 21 Day 52 words of wisdom; what others know, should not influence your understanding of who you are. It comes down to knowing yourself
February 20 Day 51 words of wisdom; nothing is automatic. Everything takes a step by step process.
February 19 Day 50 words of wisdom; always give others the strength that you have that they cannot find
February 18 Day 49 words of wisdom; love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't #quoted
February 17 Day 48 words of wisdom; look for the bright light at the end of a dark tunnel
February 16 Day 47 words of wisdom; if God wakes you up to another day it's because He knows you can keep moving foward.
February 15 Day 46 words of wisdom; one mistake does not define you, not even two.
February 14 Day 45 words of wisdom; whatever you do, do with love.
February 13 Day 44 words of wisdom; pray pray pray. Even if you're not sure what you're praying to, just pray
February 12 Day 43 words of wisdom; how about a goal today, do whatever you can to save a life
February 11 Day 42 words of wisdom; don't overwhelm yourself, keep an area of your mind clear of thought and emotion, so that you can relax
February 10 Day 41 words of wisdom; sometimes, it's better for you to let go, than keep hurting yourself
February 9 Day 40 words of wisdom; "dream in color" #inspiration #quoted #kellyclarkson
February 8 Day 39 words of wisdom; cherish each day, someone out there is fighting for what you're taking for granted
February 7 Day 38 words of wisdom; with arms wide open, and a flexible wall in front of your heart #inspired
February 6 Day 37 words of wisdom; never forget those who have left an impact on your life
February 5 Day 36 words of wisdom; when in a bad mood, don't run to something that'll make you do worse, instead run to something that gives you peace
February 4 Day 35 words of wisdom; every mistake is a lesson learned
February 3 Day 34 words of wisdom; anyone that talks, has a gap sometimes
February 2 Day 33 words of wisdom; the way you see life is usually the way you create yourself #inspired
February 1 Day 32 words of wisdom; I don't ask for a lesser load, just stronger arms
January 31 Day 31 words of wisdom; listen, when someone is quietly yelling for help
January 30 Day 30 words of wisdom; you are loved beyond belief
January 29 Day 29 words of wisdom; pray for those who threaten you. Luke 6:28
January 28 Day 28 words of wisdom; be confident in everything that you do
January 27 Day 27 words of wisdom; family time is the best kind of time
January 26 Day 26 words of wisdom; when one thing goes wrong, don't expect the whole day to be the same. You can always turn it around and make it better
January 25 Day 25 words of wisdom; if no one is physically there to help you, ask for the spirit of our Lord
January 24 Day 24 words of wisdom; some things are not worth arguing about
January 23 Day 23 words of wisdom; when you say what you're feeling (for a good cause) don't let someone make you want to take it back
January 22 Day 22 words of wisdom; keep a smile on
January 21 Day 21 words of wisdom; take it one step at a time
January 20 Day 20 words of wisdom; don't let one person make you feel invisible, remember there's always better people put there thinking of you
January 19 Day 19 words of wisdom; work your hardest at something you want, especially when someone is telling you, you can't
January 18 Day 18 words of wisdom; you're always going to run into dark woods, just remember there's always a light outside of the tunnel
January 17 Day 17 words of wisdom; don't ever be afraid to show others the magic of your mind and abilities
January 16 Day 16 words of wisdom; forgive, but don't forget
January 15 Day 15 words of wisdom; scars are lessons learned
January 14 was skipped
January 13 Day 13 words of wisdom; without fear, one does not have courage
January 12 Day 12 words of wisdom; deep inside, you know already who your true friends are
January 11 Day 11 words of wisdom; "cry a river if you'd like, but build a bridge and walk over it" #quoted
January 10 Day 10 words of wisdom; back up what you believe, don't ever be afraid to hide who you are
January 9 Day 9 words of wisdom; it's okay to not do anything and just relax sometimes
January 8 Day 8 words of wisdom; love is patient, love is kind, love is not jealous, love does not brag 1 Corinthians 13
January 7 Day 7 words of wisdom; you count your true friends with one hand
January 6 Day 6 words of wisdom; treat others how you'd like to be treated
January 5 Day 5 words of wisdom:
January 4 Day 4 words of wisdom;
January 3 Day 3 words of wisdom;
January 2 Day 2 words of wisdom;
January 1 Day 1 words of wisdom;